40 years ago: 18th century sculpture breaks at KU Museum of Art office

From the Lawrence Journal-World on January 5, 1971:

  • While much of Kansas and Missouri was still digging out from one of the worst snowstorms in years, Lawrence was “just plain cold.” After a morning low of 4 degrees, temperatures had hovered around 10 degrees throughout the day, and there was no warming trend forecast for the immediate future.
  • An 18th century wooden sculpture in the Kansas University Museum of Art office had become soaked from a leaking roof and had fallen from its perch, breaking into several pieces on the floor. According to the museum director, the piece, valued at about $500, could be repaired, but its value would be diminished. He went on to say that in the museum’s building, which was at that time in Spooner Hall, “it gets harder and harder to hold the building together and less and less money to do it with.”