Fraud evidence?

To the editor:

This letter is in response to the “Voter fraud” letter from Mary Lou Penny published Feb. 19. She stated that she had witnessed trucks taking men from one part of town to another to vote in Missouri and that she was in support of Secretary Kobach’s belief that Kansas should use picture ID’s for voters to prevent this type of fraud.

Perhaps Missouri uses a different polling system but, as a voter in Kansas, when I go to my polling place, the poll workers ask me my name and, when I tell them, they find it in the ledger of registered voters assigned to that polling place. They cross off my name and give me a ballot.

For the type of fraud to occur that Ms. Penny fears, the men driving around in trucks to various polling places would need to know the names of the voters assigned to that polling place and also know which voters assigned to that place had already voted. Such voter fraud would require previous access to voter polling assignments as well as knowledge of who had voted on the day the polling place was open.

I don’t think even Secretary Kobach claims there is this type of fraud in Kansas. Why should Kansas require picture ID’s when the problem it tries to address is not in evidence?