100 years ago: Police raid opium den on 600 block of Mass Street

From the Lawrence Daily World for Feb. 14, 1911:

  • “Police court looked and smelled like a hasheesh joint in Chinatown this morning. There was a sickening pungent odor of opium laden atmosphere and scattered over Judge Menger’s desk was a varied array of hop pipes, stems, bowls, picks, lamps and about $50 worth of opium. With four officers, City Attorney Mitchell personally raided the rooms over 628 and 617 Massachusetts. Two complete sets of hop pipes together with an armful of ’empties’ rewarded the search of the places.”
  • “The west roof of the new Eagle building caved in without warning this morning, crashing to the second floor with a weight of more than a ton. That the floor withstood the shock of the immense strain indicates the substantial nature of the building. Wm. Marshall, a carpenter, was standing almost under the heavy trusses and escaped being struck down by a very narrow margin. The contractor welcomes the accident at this time rather than when the hall was full of people. He will remove the 2×8 lumber and re-roof the building with timber of twice the weight and strength.”
  • “The rain yesterday afternoon and last night was the heaviest in Lawrence for four months. An inch and a quarter of moisture fell according to the university records. This is the largest amount of moisture released in any one rain since October 3. The rain was general all over the state and will mean thousands of dollars to the wheat growers.”