100 years ago: Groundhog sees his shadow, but Lawrence enjoys balmy weather

From the Lawrence Daily World for Feb. 2, 1911:

  • “An old legal paper thirty-six years old and relating to Peter Vinegar was found blowing down an alley this morning by a small lad. The paper bore the date of August 4, 1875, and was a commitment pending the trial of Peter Vinegar. Peter Vinegar was a notorious negro character in the early pioneer days here and met summary justice in the early eighties at the hands of a mob. The old commitment found this morning, shows that Vinegar was arrested in 1875 for burglary and grand larceny.”
  • “The gas men and the coal dealers are celebrating today, while the ice man has put away his tongs and ordered another supply of magazines. For this is ground hog day and the little prognosticator of spring saw his shadow for true. It is the day when the hypothetical ground hog leaves his hibernating quarters and like a progressive republican at the Kansas Day banquet cautiously protrudes his nose into alien territory.”
  • “Robins, marbles, baseball, bees, soda water, and straw hats. They are all here but the straw hat. They put in an appearance yesterday with the balmy summer weather which drifted in ahead of schedule. They re-appeared today despite the gloomy predictions of the ground hog. The first robin was heard yesterday. At least, Office Prentice asserts that he heard one whistling in the afternoon.”