Extension and FCE news for December 17, 2011

Top honors went to Douglas County’s Extension Master Gardeners during September’s annual state EMG conference at Kansas State University. The Douglas Co. gardeners won the Kansas EMG Search for Excellence award with an ongoing project called Monarch Waystation No. 1.

Douglas Countian Margarete Johnson gave the winning group’s project presentation, discussing the challenges of developing and maintaining a waystation. Johnson, who has remained involved in the project from its beginnings, shared photos and recommended-plant lists.

Waystation No. 1 is open to the public year-round and is located next to Foley Hall at Kansas University’s West Campus.

The Stull Busy Beavers met Nov. 14 at the Stull United Methodist Church Faith and Friendship Center. It was parents’ night, so parents filled in for 4-H members’ office duties and also provided the program. A sub sandwich supper was shared prior to the meeting. The meeting was called to order by president, Gina Schumann. Song leader Amy Jones lead the club in singing the Thanksgiving song, “Albuquerque Turkey.” Pam Johnston and Stephanie Donaldson provided the parliamentary procedure, “Steps of a Motion.” Historian Brenna Wulfkuhle provided some brief facts about 4-H. Schumann reminded members to read the county’s 4-H newsletter each month for important dates and special activities. Each family was asked to sign up for one gift for the four seniors the club adopted from Douglas County Senior Services and bring it wrapped to the December meeting. The community service committee announced it was working on scheduling a time for Christmas caroling at a retirement community in Lawrence. It was suggested the club combine the caroling with their December meeting. For the program, Jones gave a demonstration on how to make a paper bag craft, Mark Wulfkuhle gave an illustrated talk on how to use an iPad and its apps, and Schumann gave a demonstration on how to saddle a horse. The meeting was adjourned by saying the 4-H motto, “to make the best better.”

The Stull Busy Beavers met Dec. 4 at Godfather’s Pizza in Lawrence. President Wyatt Schumann called the meeting to order. Secretary Taylor Springer called roll. “Happy Birthday” was sung to club members celebrating December birthdays. The community service committee reported the four seniors adopted by the club would be getting boxes of gifts and a $25 grocery shopping card. The gifts were delivered and were picked up Friday. Community leader, Gina Schumann announced club officer training would be held at 6 p.m. at the Jan. 9 club meeting. The meeting was adjourned and the club families sang Christmas carols to the residents at Meadowlark Estates. The next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 9 at the Stull United Methodist Church Faith and Friendship Center.