4-H news August 6, 2011

The August meeting of the Kanwaka 4-H Club was July 24 at the home of Cairy Rainey. Ten members were present. In leader’s reports, Rainey told the club elections would take place at the next meeting on Sept. 12. The new business was tabled to next month’s meeting, and the meeting was adjourned.

The regular monthly meeting of Four Leaf Clover 4-H Club was July 7 at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. President Kate McCurdy called the meeting to order. Secretary Anna McCurdy read the minutes of the previous meeting, and they were approved as read. Twenty members were present. Treasurer Henry Mitchell gave a financial report. Parliamentarian Karen Schneck asked the club questions about how a meeting should be run. During committee reports, the Haybale and Banner committees talked about their ideas for the haybale and banner for the fair. Community leader Paula Aiken asked families to sign up for fair help. She reminded the members to check their fairbooks for entry dates for the fair. Aiken announced the Achievement pin applications will be due at the Sept. 12 meeting. She also talked about the ambassador program, photo mounting dates and the State Fair. During reports of project leaders, leadership leader Sue Ashcraft asked families to take fair fliers with them to work and help spread the news about the fair. During the program, the woodworking and plant science projects gave project talks. For recreation, the club played Four Square. The meeting was adjourned by saying the club pledge and motto. The next meeting will be at 7:15 p.m. Monday at the Douglas County Fairgrounds.