4-H news for April 30, 2011

The Four Leaf Clover 4-H Club met April 11 in the Dreher Building at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. President Kate McCurdy led the club in saying the flag salute. Song leader Jazlyn Wendel-Hummel led the club in singing “Easter Egg.” Secretary Anna McCurdy read the minutes of the previous meeting. Roll call was answered by saying your favorite way of exercising. Twenty-four members were present. Treasurer Henry Mitchell gave a financial report and parliamentarian Karen Schneck gave a report. Community leader Paula Aiken talked about the newsletter and reminded people to sign up for Relay For Life. During Reports of Project Leaders, food leader Katrina Rothrock told the foods group she would e-mail them and put together a date for their project meeting. During Committee Reports, the fundraiser committee asked people to email them what pies they would bring to the swap meet. Two members joined the club. The meeting was adjourned by saying the club pledge and motto. The next meeting will be at 7:15 p.m. May 9 in the Dreher Building.