100 years ago: Convict gang cleans Mass Street alleyways

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 24, 1911:

  • “The convict gang consisting of three teams and a dozen county prisoners equipped with shovels and brooms are sweeping the paved alleys in the business district today. The alleys on each side of Massachusetts will be swept as clean as a parlor floor before night. This is the first real good cleaning which the business section has received in months. The rear of most business houses is in a disgraceful condition, being far more in need of the attention of the Civic League than the residence section.”
  • “A ball and chain will be placed on all re-captured prisoners who desert the county rock pile for the freedom of other climes. Earl McCreary, the first prisoner to be re-captured, is now confined to jail pending the arrival of a ball and chain which the commissioners have ordered. He will be placed back on the stone pile just as soon as this big of hampering pedal jewelry arrives. The authorities expect to apprehend both Porter and Kelley, the other two deserters, and twenty-five pound balls have been ordered for them also.”
  • “Harry Dick returned from Kansas City last night with a new motor car. It is a Velie and is the first car of that make ever purchased in Lawrence. The machine has a powerful forty horse power engine and will carry five passengers. It is a chocolate tinted car with nickel trimmings. Dick made the purchase yesterday and drove the car down from Kansas City himself.”