100 years ago: ‘Dashing’ wife of Eudora physician leaves home

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 13, 1911:

  • “Eudora is enjoying the delightful sensation this week of a glimpse into a case of domestic incompatibility. The wife of Dr. Charles Payne, a prominent physician of Eudora, has mysteriously left home, presumably without taking the trouble to inform her husband of her destination. Eudora is buzzing with excitement over the affair. On Friday Mrs. Payne was driven to Lawrence by Mrs. Betta Krause and boarded Santa Fe passenger No. 1. She took only enough clothes to fill two grips and left her two children, both under ten years of age, in the Eudora home. Dr. Payne was in Kansas City that day and did not know of her absence until his return. The Paynes have lived in Eudora about four years. Mrs. Payne is a striking looking brunette with a dashing air. She originally lived in Oskaloosa.”
  • “L. S. Baker, who has been a contractor and builder at Baldwin, has moved to Lawrence to engage in the same kind of work here. At present he is living at 841 1/2 La. street.
  • “Clarence Robinett returned last night from an extended visit in Wellston, Okla., and Oklahoma City. While away he took in the prize fight at Tulsa. He is again with the Palace Barber Shop after an absence of a month or more.”