25 years ago: Indiana teenager with HIV permitted to return to school

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 10, 1986:

  • Indiana teenager Ryan White, who in 1984 had become infected with HIV after receiving a blood treatment, was able to return to his middle school today when a county judge lifted a preliminary injunction which had barred him from attending classes there. Supporters of the 14-year-old cheered his return.
  • Two cultural icons were making a return in the U.S. this week. First, it was announced that the nation’s 7,000 McDonald’s restaurants would be switching back to Coke Classic after having changed over to new Coke about a year earlier. “Consumers, at least in this country, show a definite preference for Coca Cola Classic, and we feel we need to go along with these preferences,” said a McDonald’s spokesman.
  • Secondly, Patrick Duffy, who had been sorely missed by fans of the TV show “Dallas” after his good-guy character had (apparently) died at the end of the previous season, was making a comeback. However, “in the tradition of ‘Dallas,’ the storyline surrounding his character will not be divulged,” said the president of Lorimar-Telepictures.