40 years ago: Area schools report increased enrollment

Area schools were showing a slight increase in enrollment, with the largest relative increase in District 491. The Eudora district had absorbed students from Holy Family parochial school after the school’s closing in the spring. Tonganoxie and Wellsville were the only districts in the area reporting a decrease in enrollment.

Across the U.S., an estimated 250,000 children were carrying high amounts of lead in their blood. The youngsters, aged 6 months to 3 1/2 years, were believed to have ingested the lead by eating paint chips from the walls of their family homes.

Singer Jimi Hendrix was reported to have died on this day in London. The AP article stated, “Hendrix, 23, who made a heavily physical thing of his singing, caused considerable controversy in Britain. He had been accused of being too sexual, even for swinging London, with his gyrating pelvis and guitar banging.”