100 years ago: Downtown Lawrence now fully lit at night

From the Lawrence Daily World for Sept. 9, 1910: “When the shades of night fall upon the city of Lawrence, instead of the business street being enshrouded with darkness, it is now one blaze of light from the bridge, across the turgid waters of the Kaw to where the court house stands forth, gleaming white under the rays of a score of tungsten lamps. The 700 block was the first to take on modern airs and the 800, 900 and 1000 blocks quickly followed. The 600 block which is not so largely given over to retail business did not come into the blaze of glory until this week, and what a difference it makes. Instead of looking dark and uninviting it is now illuminated with a large number of tungstens and one could read a newspaper in the middle of the street…. During the past two or three weeks the mosquitos have been multiplying and within the past few days they have become so bothersome as to interfere with sleep. How they got in through the screens, no one knows, but the music of their song is heard at night to the distress of light sleepers.”