Potter Lake dredging yields time capsule

Amid the goal post, chairs, bicycle and other items pulled from the bottom of Potter Lake during its recent dredging was something unexpected.

The dredging machine picked up a piece of plastic pipe, painted black and sealed at both ends, filled with a bottle of wine, envelopes and photographs.

Jim Modig, Kansas University’s director of design and construction management, said it’s likely a time capsule of sorts, though the envelopes and photos are mostly unreadable because of the water damage.

What remains is some writing on the back of a few photos with a few names — James, Alison and Barb — and a reference to the group’s favorite bartender at G. Willikers.

“Anytime that people go to the time and trouble to put personal artifacts together like that and put it in the pond, it’s there to be found at a later date,” Modig said.