40 years ago: Community service projects dominate Homecoming

Instead of preparing the traditional house decorations and floats, many Kansas University students were spending the week before Homecoming doing community service projects. The theme for the yearly weekend festivity was “Relevancy,” and many of the activities of the past, such as decorations and the selection of a Homecoming Queen, had been deemed “frivolous” and had been replaced by service activities for the betterment of the community.

The Varsity Theatre (telephone number VI 3-1065) was to be the venue for Saturday’s opening of Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey,” which was being billed as “an epic drama of adventure and exploration!” The Hillcrest was showing “Hotel” (“From the man who gave you AIRPORT!”), “Getting Straight,” and Zero Mostel and Harry Belafonte in “The Angel Levine.” After the movie, patrons could possibly head over to Arkie’s at 2500 W. Sixth Street, which was advertising a Friday night special for “All You Can Drink” draft beer, 7 p.m. to midnight, $1.50 per person.