Online auction featuring signed photos of “Real Housewives of D.C.” couple fetches just 2 buyers

? Only two people opened their wallets to welcome home photos signed by the Washington, D.C., couple who allegedly crashed a White House state dinner.

After more than two weeks on the market, just the pair of autographed photos from among 200 showing Michaele and Tareq Salahi have been purchased in an online sale, publicist Kenny Fried said.

The photos were originally priced at $100 in the eBay sale but later slashed to $50 after the first week of the sale yielded no buyers, he said.

Fried said the couple, who are on Bravo’s “The Real Housewives of D.C.,” signed the photos Sept. 22 to help recoup a debt owed to his public relations firm for services provided to Tareq Salahi’s Americas Polo Cup Inc., which filed for bankruptcy Sept. 13.

Fried said he has left the sale up but isn’t sure what he will do if the other photos don’t sell online.

“There’s 198 left,” he said. “We might use them for wallpaper.”