100 years ago: Prisoner digs his way out of Lawrence city jail

From the Lawrence Daily World for Nov. 22, 1910:

  • “The population of Kansas has increased to such an extent that the state is entitled to another congressman. The total population as shown by the recent census was announced today from Washington. It is 1,690,949, an increase of 220,454 over that of the last decade. The state will have to be reapportioned into new districts. The division of Kansas into nine congressional districts will probably precipitate a warm political fight, as the various factions in the Republican party will endeavor to have the re-districting done in a manner to favor certain of their own leaders.”
  • “When the officers visited the jail early this morning they were confronted with a yawning hole through the stone walls. During the night Charles Keeney, convicted of larceny, had worked his way to freedom by removing some of the small stones in the jail wall. He laboriously worked the stones and lime loosed until he had a circular hole, about 14×18 inches in dimension. Crawling through the opening he was compelled to climb into the haymow of the fire department, before he finally made his escape.”