100 years ago: Brake malfunction causes runaway rock wagon to crash

From the Lawrence Daily World for Nov. 11, 1910:

  • “One of the big rock wagons filled to overflowing with crushed stone slipped its brakes at noon and ran amuck on Lee street. The heavy wagon finally collided with a phone pole and was splintered into kindling wood. The driver, Ben Garrett, was compelled to leap for safety, and was severely bruised.”
  • “The fine suburban home of Wm. T. Miller, located east of the Indian school, has been sold to Mr. J. H. Brizendine. The place consists of twenty two acres with a fine modern home. Mr. Brizendine says that it appealed to him more than any other place he had seen, and he had visited a half dozen of the best towns in Kansas before coming here.”
  • [Advertisements] “Dyspepsia is our national ailment. Burdock Blood Bitters is the national cure for it. It strengthens stomach membranes, promotes flow of digestive juices, purifies the blood, builds you up…. For pains in the side or chest, dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain’s Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by all dealers…. Fish and Oyster Market. From now on we expect to have fresh fish and oysters every day and are fixed to keep them properly. Today we offer fresh Halibut, Salmon, Pake and Red Snapper. Phone 86…. Winesap apples, 75c a bushel at Hunter Bros…. An ideal business condition demands a bank check account. It gives correct accounting, commercial prestige and is more convenient than paying bills with cash. Be ideal and modern in your methods, and keep your check account at Lawrence National Bank, Lawrence, Kansas.”