County warns of waterborne illnesses and gives strategic precautions for summer

In a weekend that sends many to area lakes and outdoor pools, Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department is asking swimmers to watch for waterborne illnesses.

Those heading to lakes or other open bodies of water should be particularly mindful of parasites such as cryptosporidium and giardia, which cause diarrhea.

These parasites are found in infected people’s stools, can’t be seen with the naked eye, are resistant to chlorine and survive for long periods of time in the water or on the surface of the water.

Here are several health department tips for keeping you and those around you healthy.

• Don’t swallow the water.

• Avoid putting objects in your mouth that may have come in contact with stool of an infected person or animal.

• Don’t swim when you have diarrhea. Doing so can spread germs in the water.

• Practice good hygiene by showering before swimming and washing your hands after using the toilet or changing diapers.

• Take children to the bathroom often and change their diapers frequently.

• Change diapers in the bathroom and not poolside.

• Wash children thoroughly before swimming. Use soap and water and be sure to wash their rear ends.