25 years ago: Lone Star Lake hours expanded

Area water-skiers were pleased about getting more hours to use Lone Star Lake. The county commission had set the new time schedule since Lone Star was a county-owned lake.

Work was due to begin soon on a $1.2 million project to widen Haskell Avenue from 23rd to 31st streets from two to four lanes and to install new curbs, storm sewers, gutters and a box culvert. Julius Kaaz Construction was in charge.

A divided county commission broke with tradition and appointed a Lawrence man to the city county planning commission. John Scheirman was to succeed Richard Ice. At issue was city-county balance on the board since Scheirman of Lawrence would tip the scales to the city side.

Lawrence officials and city firefighters hit a stalemate on most issues discussed in the second round of contract negotiations. A union leader said there was little immediate hope for settlement.

The culture-growing operations in the area, including Lawrence, were facing more court battles as evidence grew that they were involved in an illegal Ponzi scheme.