Opponents take last stand against bill

? In a defiant last stand against a newly passed health care overhaul, opponents are trying everything they can to stop it from becoming the law of the land.

Republicans in the Senate are planning parliamentary maneuvers to keep a companion bill from reaching the president’s desk. And lawmakers in at least 30 states, including Kansas, are working to prevent what they say is an unconstitutional mandate forcing Americans to have health insurance.

Experts say none of it is likely to work, but it will keep the issue alive until Election Day.

By Monday, at least 10 state attorneys general had promised to file suit against the federal government. The states were Alabama, Colorado, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Michigan, Nebraska, Washington. Officials in North Dakota were weighing whether to join the case.

For the states, it’s a question of individual rights. Many say Congress does not have the authority to require citizens to buy goods or services they may not want.