Flamingo support

To the editor:

As a past runner in the Shamrock Shuffle and an occasional patron of the Flamingo Club, I take exception with Mark Jarboe’s unfair, ridiculous criticism of the Flamingo’s association with the St. Patrick’s Day events. I really get tired of hearing self-righteous people pass judgment and try to force their values on others.

No one forces ladies to dance for a living or forces people to view such events. People do so because they enjoy it and it is their choice. Patrons rarely disrespect the ladies, and putting hands on the dancers is prohibited. I have talked to numerous dancers over the years and none have felt like they were degrading themselves. There has even been an occasional men’s dance group such as Chippendales perform at the club with numerous female patrons attending. So is this also crude and degrading?

Let’s be honest. Most American men enjoy observing attractive ladies disrobe and dance, it’s only natural. Men that deny it are not being honest, so why not permit ladies that choose so be able to profit from it? The Flamingo for many years has been associated with the St. Patrick’s day events with the owner generously donating his time, money and club for the festivities. I hope this association with the St. Patrick’s day events continues. I know there are thousands of Lawrence people who agree with me and appreciate the sacrifices and generosities the owner and employees of the Flamingo have made. Mr. Jarboe is entitled to his views but I believe him to be in a minority!