100 years ago: Amusement Park Committee begins meeting

From the Lawrence Daily World for June 30, 1910:

“Last night the stockholders of the Lawrence Amusement Park Committee held their first meeting. The first thing discussed was the probable name of the park. Some fancy names were suggested but no conclusion was reached and it was decided to open the naming of the park to competition by the people of the city. A cash prize will be given by the company to the person suggesting the best name for the proposed resort…. If the theory of the authorities is correct, both the assault of Nellie Cook Saturday night and the attempted attack on Mrs. Homer Lawrence Monday evening, were performed by the same man, an itinerant camper who drove through Lawrence last week with a bony pair of grey horses and a spring wagon…. The succulent green corn has made its appearance. The ‘roasting ears’ are home grown and while the cob is not very well filled out the taste is said to be immense. Henry Pringle of North Lawrence brought in the first corn of the season. The price is twenty cents a dozen.”