100 years ago: 9-year-old recieves minor injuries from blank pistol

From the Lawrence Daily World for June 27, 1910: “The first Fourth of July accident for the year has occurred. Park Hetzel, Jr., the nine year old son of Park Hetzel, 924 Rhode Island, is the victim. While playing about the yard with a blank pistol of last year’s vintage, the weapon was discharged and the wad forced through his clothes into his left thigh. The wound was neither painful nor dangerous. Park lost none of his Fourth ardor by the accident, and will celebrate the country’s natal day as enthusiastically as ever…. With another week of June on the Calendar, wily little Cupid is way ahead of his summer schedule. In spite of the unpleasant weather, the little God with the quiver has worked diligently and chalked up a good lead for June weddings. Last year he only succeeded in uniting 24 loving hearts during the first three weeks of June. This year he has inveigled 32 unsuspecting couples into buying furniture on the installment plan…. Mrs. A. H. Stanley of Lawrence was reunited with her sister Mrs. W. A. Wilson in Spencer, Mass., after a separation of 31 years. Mrs. Stanley went to Kansas immediately after her marriage. Both sisters were nearly prostrated with joy.”