100 years ago: Police officer resigns, citing refusal to work with black coworker

From the Lawrence Daily World for June 2, 1910: “From the growth of recent years it was confidently expected that the enrollment at the university of Kansas would reach 2,500 for the school years of 1909-10, but the expectations were not realized. With those in the summer school counted, the total enrollment reached 2,303 as compared with 2,210 for the year previous…. Harry Brown handed in his resignation as an officer on the city police force yesterday. Brown’s statement that he did not wish to work with a colored man will appear like a huge joke to those who know that for months preceding his appointment he worked as a waiter in a restaurant where there was a colored cook and where the color line is not drawn at the counter…. Mr. John Marshall, Asst. Attorney General, was in the city yesterday. His visit to Lawrence reminded him of his school days at K.U…. Coach Hamilton and six of his prize track men will leave for Urbana, Ill., tonight to take part in the Chicago conference track meet. Last week at Des Moines they made a ‘killin” and have a mighty good chance to do the same with Chicago and other big ‘bugs.'”