Style Scout: Jared Smith

Jared Smith

Age: 28

Sign: Aquarius

Hometown: Topeka

Time in Lawrence: I live in Topeka, but I frequently visit Lawrence.

Occupation: Probation officer

What were you doing when scouted? About to head home from work.

How would you describe your style? Casual and work appropriate.

What are your current favorite fashion trends? In the summertime, anything that is comfortable and cool. I’m also a fan of bedazzled T-shirts.

What are your least favorite fashion trends? V-neck T-shirts and mock turtlenecks — I prefer a happy medium.

What would you like to see more of in Lawrence? A Waffle House.

What would you like to see less of in Lawrence? Flesh-colored beards…

Do you have any piercings or tattoos? No.

Do you have any fashion influences? Baseball player Kenny Powers.

People say I look like: No one in particular — just that one guy from that one show, you know?

Tell us a secret: I am deathly afraid of all spiders, big or small!

Pants: Dockers, JCPenney, 2008, $45.

Shirt: Dillards, 2006, gift.

Shoes: Dockers, Kohls, 2009, $70.

Belt: Dillards, 2009, gift.