100 years ago: Theft observed by local youths

From the Lawrence Daily World for July 25, 1910:

“This morning at 11 o’clock George Harris and Charles Lavin broke into the home of D. Manrose, 825 Conn. street, and stole a new $15 revolver and a fountain pen. The pair were seen to enter by three small boys. The lads followed the burglars at a safe distance and when the Santa Fe station was reached, asked the office men to phone the police station. It was a comical sight to see the burglars, both big burly fellows hurrying along the track, trailed so closely by three bare foot lads. The kids hung to their trail so closely that after they knew they had been discovered, the pair had no time to dispose of their stolen property…. The official thermometer at the university registered 102 this afternoon at 2 p.m. At the same hour thermometers under awnings on Mass had climbed to 107. It is believed this is the record since August, 1901…. It is reported by farmers in town today that the intensely hot weather the last few days is doing irreparable injury to the corn fields. The corn blades are reported as being shriveled up by the hot sun and dry weather and that the growth is practically at a standstill.”