25 years ago: Senator opposes state university status for Washburn

The KU Office of Institutional Research and Planning released a report showing that incoming KU freshmen in the previous year had scored three percentage points higher than the national average for the American College Testing program. The average freshman score in 1984 was 21.7, while the national average score was 18.7.

Sen. Wint Winter Jr. was quoted as vigorously opposing making Washburn University a full-fledged state university. Washburn regents had asked for a “long-term partnership” with the state during the previous April, and a legislative study was considering the possibility of bringing Washburn into the state university system. Winter opposed the change because of financial reasons, saying “There are already too many community colleges and too much duplication in the state’s system of higher education.”

GTE Sprint, after having told Southwestern Bell that they were pulling out of the Lawrence long-distance telephone market, did a complete turnaround and announced that they would in fact be part of the “easy access” 1+ dialing that was being offered as of July 27 by AT&T and MCI Telecommunications.