100 years ago: Farms providing conditioning for football players
From the Lawrence Daily World for July 1, 1910: “K. U. Squad Putting on Beef and Muscle Now — Many Work On Farms. Prospective mole-skin wearers are spending their vacation in a manner designed to toughen their muscles and put them in the pink of condition for the rough skirmish of the gridiron next September. Practically all ‘K’ men are roughing it, that is doing vacation work which requires strenuous exercise in the open air, and which sends them back to school tan and brawny, and hard as nails. Harold Brownlee is out on his father’s farm near Sterling, pitching wheat and occasionally tipping over grain stacks, just to keep his line bucking ability in form. Carl Ammons is milking seventeen cows before five o’clock on a farm near Arkansas City. After that he does a day’s work in the wheat or corn field. Pete Heil is doing electrical engineering work in Topeka. He is insuring his system to shocks and by September expects to withstand the impact of a battering ram…. The small boy is beginning to count the days, mother is commencing to plan what she will have for dinner if company should come, and big sister is already worrying for fear her new lavender dress will not be finished. For it is only three more days till the Fourth.”