25 years ago: Apartment developers face skepticism

The nation’s farmers faced at least six more years of economic hardship if current government policies were continued, according to a study by farm economists. However, some changes being considered could make things worse than that, the study added.

Developers hoping to expand the Stadium Apartments near Kansas University without adding 44 additional parking spaces required by the city code faced skepticism from the city commission and the Oread Neighborhood Assn. Considerable study was called for in the matter.

The local Warm Hearts campaign to raise money to help the needy pay heating bills was about to begin with a goal of at least $25,000. The program was benefiting greatly from $35,000 already in the treasury. State Rep. Jessie Branson was the originator of the program.

Legislators were trying to “count the votes” for a showdown on the liquor by the drink issue. Republican senators were hoping to get the necessary 27 votes quickly.