
This week’s birthdays: Though much of the week will be smooth sailing, it’s safe to expect that a few technical glitches and practical errors will be thrown into the mix. When you know they’re part of the game, you can relax and be patient. It all works out. Thursday’s new moon in Capricorn is a fresh start in regards to finance and professional projects. Friday, Mercury returns to its direct course, ironing out the little kinks in the lines of communication.


March 21-April 19

The legalities of an issue will affect you. Gather as much knowledge as you can about your case and similar ones. It may be worth the expense to hire an expert. When you know more, you can avoid a long battle over what is rightfully yours. Instead, you will simply ask for the right thing in the right way and get it.


April 20-May 20

Your cheerful handling of stressful situations will attract lovely scenarios. People will open up to you. They’ll see you as someone they can trust. Your leadership will net financial and professional opportunities. Establish healthy boundaries. You will serve others best by teaching them to serve themselves.


May 21 – June 21

You are more intuitive than you often give yourself credit for, and you’ll do well to lean on that strength this week. There is too much information to weed through and intellectually process. Just because an argument makes sense doesn’t make it right. Look beyond the logic of things to try to feel the truth.


June 22-July 22

It’s not always apparent what you must do in order to grow. It’s likely that your childish ideas are closer to the answer than your mature ones. So embrace silliness, and believe the wisdom of seemingly random events. Advancement may feel at first like a lateral move. But make no mistake, you’re moving up in the world.


July 23 – August 22

Wherever you go, a loyal partner will accompany you, one who has looked out for you for years. That person is you. The company can be inconsistent — you’re a part-time cheerful supporter and a part-time cynical and reluctant traveler. But this week your relentless encouragement ensures a pleasant journey.


August 23-September 22

If you throw yourself completely into an endeavor, there will be no one left behind to witness, judge and impartially assess. That’s the point. You don’t need to apply critical thought to every process, especially not when the activity is a labor of love. Be fearless. Trade your sense of reason for a fuller experience.


September 23 – October 23

You are constantly reacting to your environment. This week you will have keen insights about how you can better motivate yourself to succeed. Become an observer of your senses. You’ll home in on one thing that makes you feel sluggish and reticent, and also on one thing that makes you feel excited to move forward.


October 24 – November 21

Don’t get too comfortable. Risk is a necessary element in a fulfilled life. There are those who will try to convince you that your plans are too ambitious. They’re probably right. Then again, they don’t know what you’re capable of. And neither will you unless you throw yourself at the big plan and try to make it work.


November 22 – December 21

A little bit of spice will make this week delicious as long as you keep it all in the correct proportion. So go ahead and indulge in a zesty diversion or a guilty pleasure. But do recognize when you’ve had enough. Make the activities that give you soulful sustenance your main dish.


December 22 – January 19

Because of your ambitious nature, you often find yourself single-handedly pushing the action along. You may wonder, if you weren’t the one nudging a project forward, would anything happen at all? Maybe not. But this week you’ll do well to back off. Trust that everything will happen at the perfect time, and it will.


January 20 – February 18

Build a few treats into your week — not just good ones, either; make it something juicy! Trying to be too disciplined will backfire. There’s a child inside you who won’t feel like getting with the program. When you realize that your behavior will be powerfully shaped by immediate rewards, you make this work for you.


February 19 – March 20

In the past, there were certain habits you wanted to break and changes you wanted to make that seemed impossible to conquer. So you dropped the futile effort, and wisely so. This is a new decade and a fresh chance to succeed. Pick one of the changes, and work on it once more. You’ll progress quickly.