Find the money

To the editor:

Instead of jumping to what services can be reduced to further impede our students learning, there should be an outcry to find the money to fund our schools. Reallocation of funds, increasing taxes, spending smarter and truly reviewing every expense to find a way to improve education.

The services that are provided by school counselors, nurses and teachers are needed to help our students through the learning process. In the recent past, we have lost a student to the choking game. Several students that I know of are dealing with the suicide of a parent. Depression, bullying, drugs and simply dropping out of school are common within our district. Cutting these important resources is a mistake we can’t afford.

Last year, at Central, the Excalibur Choir used uniforms that were 18 years old. This year, my daughter’s biology class has to share textbooks because there aren’t enough to go around. These are just some examples of life in the Lawrence school district today. Imagine what it will be like with $5 million less in funding.

I urge the school board to look at raising the money rather than cutting further into the education of the children. What could be more important than our children, our future?