100 years ago: Church sees attendance surge

From the Lawrence Daily World for Feb. 16, 1910: It pays to advertise — even to advertise the services of a church. The Presbyterian Church says its attendance has set records since it recently began advertising its services and other churches are clearly considering doing the same. . . . The agricultural college in Manhattan has notified local people its traveling school will spend a week here this March and that the extension service might begin annually here. . . . Mrs. Margaret Andrews of Baldwin died this morning at the age of 98. She had first come to Douglas County with her husband, the Rev. William Andrews, in 1856. He enlisted when the war broke out and came out with his health ruined, as did many, and died. Mrs. Andrews returned with her son in 1870. . . . The high school fraternity boys of Delta Omicron Omicron and Phi Sigma Chi, suspended from school a week ago due to their frat connections, are back in school after agreeing to sign an agreement they would no longer take be a part of the activities of the outlawed groups. There is no room for their sidestepping the agreement.