100 years ago: Profits from KU football season over $11,000

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Dec. 8, 1910:

  • “The management of the New Fairfax Hotel have arranged with decorators to improve the large dining room of the hotel. Work is now under way and on Friday night the new Japanese Tea Room will be opened for the first time. Without doubt it will be the most artistic eating place in Lawrence.”
  • “That the season just closed was the most profitable one in the history of Kansas football is shown by the official statement mailed the Athletic Board by Manager W. C. Lansdon this afternoon. The profits accruing to the athletic fund totals $11,491.64, an increase of 50 per cent over last year which established a record up to that time.”
  • “The Poehler Mercantile Co. of this city secured a big portion of the grocery contract awarded by the State Board of Control yesterday. It gets blackberries, coffee for the Boys’ Industrial school, corn starch, macaroni, sardines, soap, laundry starch, plug tobacco, cracked wheat, tea for the Osawatomie State Hospital.”