Real change

To the editor:

This is an outrage! Children going hungry in America? Children who can’t afford to eat lunch at school? The next generation being cheated of balanced nutritious meals while we send our troops all over the world trying to win unwinnable wars. Every American voter should call or write their congressman and tell them that if we cannot afford to feed our children then we can not afford trillion-dollar wars or the freebies that Congress gets or the $400,000 salary for our president and, most especially, the $10 million salary that the chairman of AIG gets.

Look at this, Mr. and Ms. Congresspersons, and tell us that is right on your watch. The richest nation in the history of man is so bankrupt that it cannot feed the next generation, but can afford to police the world of seven billion? Tell me please what’s wrong with this picture and also what’s wrong with this nation’s voters that we are not marching in the streets demanding change. Change is what we voted for, not more and more of the same.

For God’s sake do something, Mr. President. Don’t just sit in the White House and blame the Republicans. And you Republicans, we are fed up with you as well. Look at what you and Mr. Bush gave us after the Clinton years. Don’t forget that this nation has a revolutionary heritage, and pushed far enough and hard enough, it could happen again.