100 years ago: Contraption allows streetcar passengers to pay as they enter

From the Lawrence Daily World for August 20, 1910: ” ‘Yes it is a very clever little device, but you men will have to step up front, you are blocking the passage.’ This and a few yards more of similar explanations marked the installation of the new pay as you enter street car in Lawrence last evening. Patrons climbing on the car found themselves confronted with a little glass box in which fares were to be dropped. It had a slot big enough to admit a mail order catalog and most passengers hesitated about dropping their ridiculously small coins in that great yawning cavern…. The vacation season for the students is rushing to its close and busy mothers are preparing the wardrobes of their daughters for another school year. Of course when the boys go away to school they only fuss about it the night before they leave, when a few necessaries are loaded at random into a trunk just before the train leaves. But in these days college is no place for a girl who expects to be ‘in on things’ unless her trunk contains a pretty complete supply of hand-embroidered lingerie silk gowns, party dresses and country club togs.”