100 years ago: Chicks in cartons raise price of eggs

From the Lawrence Daily World for August 3, 1910: “If in the morning when you crack open your morning egg for breakfast a little chick hops blithely out, don’t blame the hen. She probably laid it honestly and instilled into it all the sound principles of chickendom, and it has gone astray since it has got out from under her authority. One grocer turned over to a shipper two crates of eggs the other day, and when the candlers got through peeking at them, just 33 dozen out of the 60 dozen were in the ‘bad order’ class. And that’s why eggs are being bought at 13 cents a dozen while the retail price still lingers at the 17 cent mark — ‘to cover the bads,’ is the technical term…. Advertisements: Hood’s Sarsaparilla builds up a broken down system. It begins its work right, that is, on the blood… The Lawrence House will give good service and you will feel satisfied with the rates. Form the habit of going there for your meals…. Fresh meats, sliced as thin as a wafer, bacon and boiled ham always on hand at the Windmill Grocery…. Try the Brown Bread ice cream at Wiedemann’s…. Gustafson likes to do little jobs of repairing…. Soda water so cold ice won’t melt in it, Raymond’s Drug Store. Limeade 5c.”