100 years ago: College jealousy diminished

From the Lawrence Daily World for Sept. 20, 1909: The Fair Association has designated next Wednesday as Lawrence Day and merchants are asked to close their stores at noon to give clerks and everyone else a chance to attend. Planners have worked hard and it appears a major fair is at hand. . . . The jealousy existing between the state university here and the agricultural college, which almost brought an open rupture last year, is to be wiped out. No longer will any bickering be allowed between the two institutions. A gentleman’s agreement is being reached by officials of the two schools and they say they are glad that there will be growing efforts toward greater harmony. Chancellor Strong of KU says the emphasis will be on cooperation rather than dissension. . . . One of the greatest swindling moves in local history came this week when a local man was beated out of $4,000 by a smooth operator who used a fake check to get the deed to some local land. He got the deed to the land and then mortgaged it for $4,000 the same day, leaving town in a hurry with his loot.