County to form food policy council
A local food policy council soon will be empowered to find ways to grow Douglas County’s agricultural economy.
The council, with 15 to 20 members, will advise county commissioners on issues and ideas related to expanding the area’s ability to grow, market, store and sell food products.
“There are so many individuals and agencies already working on the issue … that oftentimes the folks who are working on it aren’t aware of each other’s work,” said Nancy Thellman, commission chairwoman. “The food policy council is a way for all of these people to get around the same table, and on the same page, and work toward the same end: the growth of our local food system.”
Thellman joined Commissioner Mike Gaughan on Wednesday in approving creation of the council. Commissioner Jim Flory was absent.
Thellman anticipates appointing members to the advisory council in the coming weeks. She plans to suggest providing the council with $10,000 to cover startup costs, event-planning expenses and other matters.