A look at Labor Day by the numbers

Teacher Linda Kucza talks to her New York School students on the first day of school this year.

Here are stats about the nation’s workforce, according to the U.S. Census Bureau:

10,000 — Number of workers who marched in what is believed to have been the first Labor Day observance, on Sept. 5, 1882.

1894 — Year President Glover Cleveland signed a bill designating the first Monday in September as Labor Day.

155.1 million — Number of people 16 and older in the nation’s labor force, as of May 2009.

83 — Percent of full-time workers ages 18 to 64 covered by health insurance during all or part of 2007.

77 — Percent of workers in private industry who receive a paid vacation as part of their benefits.

7.2 million — Number of teachers in the United States, the most commonly held job.

7.7 million — Number of workers who hold down more than one job.

288,000 — Number of moonlighters who work full time at two jobs.

10.4 million — Number of self-employed workers.

28 — Percent of workers 16 and older who work more than 40 hours a week. Eight percent work 60 hours or more a week.

4 — Median number of years workers have been with their current employers. Nine percent of those employed have been with their current employer for 20 or more years.

15.7 million — Number of labor union members nationwide. Alaska, Hawaii and New York have the highest rates of union workers, with North Carolina having one of the lowest rates.

5.7 million — Number of people who work at home.

$45,113 and $35,102 — 2007 annual median income for male and female full-time, year-round workers, respectively.

53 — Projected percentage growth from 2006 to 2016 in the number of systems and data communication analyst positions.

25.3 — Minutes the average commute to work takes for Americans.