100 years ago: Turkey as high as 25 cents per pound this year

From the Lawrence Daily World for Nov. 21, 1909: Prof. L.L. Dyche returned today from Pratt where he has been inspecting the fish hatcheries. He says he cannot accept the job of game warden for the state, as offered by the governor, unless he can handle it in connection with his university work. He says the hatcheries are in excellent shape. . . . If you are planning on a nice fat turkey for Thanksgiving, you better plan to pay a high price for it. There seems to be an absolute dearth of birds in our area since so many sent their birds to Chicago. Wet weather in the spring also added to the shortage and some may have to pay as high as 25 cents a pound for a bird this year. . . . While the Kansas City, Topeka local freight train was switching in the yard here today, George Norwood, a brakeman, fell from the top of a box car and under the car. His left leg was broken just above the ankle and badly crushed. He suffered many other injuries. He was taken to Topeka by train for treatment. . . . The Lawrence Commercial Club, Merchants Association and Lawrence Committee are working on a merger so they can be more effective in community leadership.