Bicycle caution

To the editor:

What is the problem with bicyclists today? The last time I checked, bicycles were required to abide by all the same laws as other vehicles such as stopping at stop signs and lights, signaling for turns and being aware of traffic. Additionally, they are supposed to stay in the bicycle lane when one is marked or within 18 inches of the curb. All too often, I see riders violating nearly every traffic law as if they do not apply to bicycles. Bicyclists should be more cautious since they are the ones who stand to be on the losing end of a confrontation with a car.

Case in point: Recently, while driving on Naismith headed toward 19th, a bicyclist didn’t bother to stop at the intersection at 21st and made a left turn in front of me, nearly getting himself run over by my SUV. He then started yelling at me for nearly hitting him when he was the one clearly in the wrong. Because I saw him in time and was able to swerve and miss him, he is still able to yell at others when he does something stupid.

This type of incident is all too common. Bicyclists should study the laws and remember that they have to share the road and be mindful of the others around them, especially in motorized vehicles. Stay over, stay aware, stay legal, stay alive!