
This week’s birthdays: Your thinking is clear, and you know what you want. That combination makes you unstoppable, as long as you keep believing that you can and should have what you want. The next 10 weeks will bring a helpful coach. You trade places with a friend in June and gain insight into both of you. July poses an intriguing challenge. You are undaunted by the competition, and in fact, you do you best work when it is steep. Love inspires fun changes in September. November is financially lucky.


March 21-April 19

There’s really no good reason to rehash old problems, discuss relationship issues or dwell in negotiations. Write a mental letter and send it through the ether straight to the other person’s heart. The energy will shift. You could even experience a miraculous healing of whatever was wrong in the connection.


April 20-May 20

You feel you should be treated well, but you wouldn’t dream of cutting in line and don’t expect to be singled out for special attention. You’ll stand up against such selfish behaviors this week, perhaps to protect someone who is weaker. Your caring will make a difference. People live better because of you.


May 21 – June 21

You go into this week with a solid handle on what you’d like to accomplish, which relationships you want to forge and what your priorities are overall — until someone walks through the door and turns your world upside down. The effect of this unexpected, exciting interruption will be thrilling … and temporary.


June 22-July 22

Your intellect is keen this week, and it’s only getting better. You’ll feel that you are spending your time wisely as long as you are exercising your brain. Reading is favored. Take advantage of your ever-increasing attention span. With a library card you have access to the greatest minds the world has ever known.


July 23 – August 22

It’s a week of growth. You’ll be dealing with your feelings, going deeply into them and trying to pinpoint the reason. This is a worthy effort, though it’s easy to get lost and lose focus. Consider consulting someone who is well trained in the language of the mind and heart to counsel you through the process.


August 23-September 22

You work to impress someone in a manner reminiscent of a child trying to gain the approval of a parent. The reality is, you don’t need that approval. What’s important is that you approve of yourself. You are, after all, the one most acquainted with the real you inside, and that person is pretty cool!


September 23 – October 23

The source of all your emotional pain comes from the ego. You need your ego to live in this world, but you don’t need it to rule your life. There is a matter of pride that’s been taking up too much space and importance in your mind. Let this one go — forgive and move on. You’ll be so much lighter and brighter for the loss.


October 24 – November 21

You’ll be handling practicalities. That said, there is no way to take a break from your spiritual life. Your spirit drives you. Its whispers would be difficult to ignore. Even if you’ve abandoned certain rituals or beliefs along the way, you have not abandoned your soul — nor could you, even if you tried.


November 22 – December 21

As confident as you are, there will still be times when you are feeling sensitive this week and will prefer to be around only your nearest and dearest. However, new acquaintances will be unavoidable. You might put on a fun facade for these people. You’ll feel safe within this different version of your personality.


December 22 – January 19

You are getting amazingly good at what you do. When the circumstances seem less than ideal, the real training kicks in. Quick changes in the plan might annoy you at first, but it’s all to your benefit. You gain knowledge from every encounter. By the end of the week people start to notice your masterful work.


January 20 – February 18

To act in a selfless way does not require that you lose and the other person win. You’ll put the good of another person before your own and be strangely satisfied in doing so. It proves that you have done the right thing, not only for the two of you, but for the many other people who will be affected by your choice.


February 19 – March 20

Be kind and compassionate with yourself. Interaction with family may suddenly cause you to be more curious about your own development, personality and early history. You may not be illuminated in one glorious “aha” moment, but fragments of truth will fit together. Bit by bit you’ll get a new picture of who you are.