Will knowing your type help find Mr. Right?

Girls, women, singles everywhere, whip out your pencils and grab a seat… It’s time to take the “Ms. Typed” quiz.

Psychologist Michelle R. Callahan, Ph.D., wrote “Are you… Ms. Typed?” (Crown, $22) to help women figure out why they seem to have trouble finding appropriate men to date and what they can do to throw their counterproductive dating habits out the window.

Callahan classifies dating types into 10 categories, including Ms. Second Place, Ms. Sex Machine, Ms. Drama Queen, Ms. Bag Lady, Ms. Mom, Ms. Independent, Ms. Rose-colored Glasses, Ms. Perfect, Ms. Anaconda and Ms. Soul Mate.

Begin by taking the Dating Types Questionnaire (like I did) on page 19, which narrows down the dating type with which you most identify. While there are only 50 questions, you will be surprised how much your answers can convey about your dating personality.

After determining your dating type, read a detailed description of what that means and what role you play in a romantic relationship. Though I will not reveal my dating personality (because no one wants that broadcasted, right?), I will say Callahan knows women and knows what they need to know.

Callahan’s savvy “tell it like it is” writing style empowers readers to change negative habits and use newfound insight to their advantage. Similar to Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo’s “He’s Just Not That Into You,” “Are you… Ms. Typed” offers dating clarity from an unbiased, outside source. But unlike, “He’s Just Not That Into You,” “Are you. .. Ms. Typed” provides advice for how to discard your toxic habits and create new, healthy ones. Callahan even points out what type of men certain women are drawn to, and warns to stay far away from them!

“Avoid committed and emotionally unavailable men,” Callahan suggests to “Ms. Second Place” women. “Learn when to back down, give up and let go,” she tells Ms. Drama Queens. And, “stop having sex with men who don’t want a relationship,” she tells Ms. Sex Machines. Though these tidbits of advice may seem obvious enough, we all know it helps to hear (or read) them.

And, don’t worry, Callahan isn’t going to throw you to the wolves when you are finished reading. She concludes her book with the “Ms. Typed Makeover Kit”– your personal guide to finding, and maintaining, a functional relationship.