City Commission agenda: Resident requests increase in speed limit near LMH
Bottom line: City commissioners will consider increasing the speed limit on a portion of a street near Lawrence Memorial Hospital.
Background: Commissioners are being asked to increase the speed limit on Fourth Street from McDonald Drive to Maine Street to 35 miles per hour. The speed limit currently is 30 miles per hour, but traffic studies have shown the road could support a 35 mile-per-hour speed limit. An area resident requested the change.
Other business: Recognition
• Proclaim Saturday, May 16, as the 80th Anniversary of the Lawrence Municipal Airport.
• Proclaim the week of May 17-23 as National Public Works Week.
Consent agenda
• Approve City Commission meeting minutes from April 28.
• Approve all claims. The list of approved claims will be posted to the agenda the day after the City Commission meeting.
• Approve licenses as recommended by the Department of Administrative Services.
• Bid and purchase items:
a.) Award bid for three rear load trucks for $359,004, one front load truck for $177,956, and one hook lift truck for $64,740 for the Public Works Department to Downing Sale & Service and one roll-off truck for the Public Works Department to American Equipment for $91,428.
b.) Award City Bid No. B09029, Project No. PW0916, Douglas County Senior Center, Roof Replacement, East Wing, to JB Turner and Son’s Roofing and Sheet Metal in the amount of $77,687.
c.) Authorize City Manager to execute purchase orders to Hamm Inc. for $253,338.80 ($240,671.86 – FAA; $12,666.94 – City) and to Airport Development Group, Inc. for $19,106.92 ($18,151.57 – FAA; $955.35 – City) for final payment of Airport Improvement Project No. 11-AI1-307(C).
• Adopt the following ordinance(s) on second and final reading:
a.) Ordinance No. 8393, for the rezoning (Z-1-1-09) of 725 N. Second Street from IG (General Industrial) to IL (Limited Industrial).
b.) Ordinance No. 8394, for a Special Use Permit (SUP-2-2-09) for a Day Care Center at 1023 Highland Drive.
c.) Ordinance No. 8399, establishing reserved parking for persons with disabilities along the north side of W. 22nd Terrace from the west property line of 802 W. 22nd Terrace, east 100 feet.
d.) Ordinance No. 8395, for a Special Use Permit (SUP-2-1-09) to allow Research Services in Downtown Commercial district at 647 Mass, second floor.
e.) Ordinance No. 8396, for the rezoning (Z-2-3-09) of the southeast corner of East 19th Street and Learnard Avenue from RS7 (Single-Dwelling Residential) to RM12D.
• Adopt the following resolutions:
a.) Resolution No. 6833, adopting the Douglas County, Kansas Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
b.) Resolution No. 6837, setting a public hearing date of July 7, 2009, to discuss the condition of the dilapidated structure at 426 Perry Street and to consider declaring the structure unsafe and ordering its repair or removal within a specified period of time.
• Approve the following items related to The Sandbar, 17 E. Eighth Street:
a.) Approve Site Plan SP-2-2-09 for sidewalk hospitality area for The Sandbar. Submitted by Paul Werner Architects, for Rita C. Madl, property owner of record.
b.) Approve sidewalk hospitality license. Staff Memo
c.) Adopt on first reading, Ordinance No. 8400, allowing possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on certain city property pursuant to The Sandbar Sidewalk Dining License.
• Receive update regarding Bauer Farm PRD Final Development Plan FDP-1-2-09, for the residential portion of the Bauer Farm Development, in the northwest corner of Sixth Street and Folks Road intersection. Staff has provided a summary that identifies the changes being proposed from the previously approved preliminary development plan.
• Approve a Special Event SE-4-12-09, request for a downtown film festival in the 900 Block of New Hampshire, more specifically the southwest corner of East Ninth Street and New Hampshire Street.
• Authorize submittal of a grant to partially fund the replacement of an aerial platform ladder and Engine 6 for the Fire Medical Department. The purchase of both of these pieces of equipment will be recommended using infrastructure sales tax funds and debt issuance; any grant funds obtained would reduce the amount of debt necessary.
• Authorize submittal of a grant to partially fund the purchase of a low speed neighborhood electric vehicle to be used in and around the Waste Water facility. Funding for this vehicle was approved in the capital equipment line of the 2009 Utilities Department budget. Any grant funds obtained would reduce budgeted funds needed for the purchase.
• Receive city manager’s report.
Regular agenda
• Conduct a public hearing on a request by the Lawrence Convention & Visitors Bureau, for a waiver of the restriction of the sale and serving of alcoholic liquor within 400 feet of a school or church, pursuant to section 4-113 (a) of the Code of the City of Lawrence, regarding the temporary sale of alcoholic beverages related to the Tour of Lawrence, on July 4 from noon-10:30 p.m.; and consider adopting on first reading Ordinance No. 8401, authorizing the temporary sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages at certain specified downtown public property related to the event.
• Consider the following Traffic Safety Commission items:
a.) Consider approving recommendation to establish no parking along the south side of 10th Place between Kasold Drive and Randall Road, along the east side of Randall Road between 10th Place and 10th Terrace and along the north side of 10th Terrace between Randall Road and Randall Road.
b.) Consider approving a recommendation to establish a 35 mph speed limit on Fourth Street between McDonald Drive and Maine Street.
c.) Consider establishing no parking along the south side of Ash Street from Eighth Street west 100 feet.