Attack on poor

To the editor:

I awoke Wednesday morning to the headline in the Journal-World that the Legislature is considering a bill to mandate random drug testing for those who receive public assistance. It would not be an overstatement to say that I am absolutely appalled at this idea. Rarely have I seen such a mean-spirited, vindictive proposal.

Despite the spin that this legislation is intended to be “helpful,” it is clear that the intent is to penalize poor people who have the audacity to need public assistance. Is acceptance of government help now to be considered a waiver of one’s civil rights? If I lose my job and need unemployment assistance, the government no longer needs reasonable cause to search me (or test me)?

Why not require random tax audits for legislators? Drug testing for executives of corporations who benefit from tax abatements? No, here in Kansas we’re going to single out the poor, the unemployed and the disabled for heavy-handed government intrusion. And this from the party that purports to want a limited role for government in our lives.

I urge all readers to vigorously oppose this noxious legislation, speak out forcefully against it and expose it for what it is: another callous attempt to demonize those who are less fortunate and need our help.

Sheldon Weisgrau,