
This week’s birthdays: You forge many new connections this year and enjoy the fun, closeness and opportunity these relationships bring. But the most important connection you will make is the one with your higher self. It was always there, and this year it grows stronger than ever. Decision-making is easier, and destiny seems to meet you at every corner. This month is fantastic for finances. Family makes you proud in August. Romance brightens your October. Lifestyle upgrades happen in November.


March 21-April 19

Character building exercises don’t even feel like work this week. Revisit something you feel certain you don’t like. You may have dismissed a potentially rewarding activity or person for purely circumstantial reasons. You’ll either be validated for your choice, or delighted that you were wrong — either way, you win!


April 20-May 20

You are tempted to multitask when you need to be simply “tasking.” Juggling your attention between endeavors now doesn’t make you more productive, only more scattered. So stick to the top priority of the moment. It’s especially important to do so on Friday. Note: It may also help to keep your cell phone on lockdown.


May 21 – June 21

It’s a week of peaceful insights. You will be increasingly attuned to the multidimensional nature of this existence. There will be many occasions this week to quiet your mind and heighten your senses. You will feel unseen forces, like a gentle wind, assuring you that there is always more than meets the eye.


June 22-July 22

Again it’s time to ban the word “should” from your vocabulary. You gain instant self-esteem when you realize that, in actuality, you are doing or not doing the things that work for your life. And when you’re ready to do something else, you will. Embrace where you are — it’s the right place for now.


July 23 – August 22

The way you relate to a colleague is completely different from your rapport with the boss — and the personality you reserve for your sweetie is even more removed from those. Some might say you’re a walking contradiction. But what you really are is smart, choosing the appropriate tone for each relationship.


August 23-September 22

It takes a lot to live honestly this week. You might be moved to fudge a few facts or tell a white lie to make someone feel better. Is it really wrong? Keep your intention pure. Make sure that you are really trying to make someone feel better, as opposed to covering your tracks or avoiding what you know you must do.


September 23 – October 23

You’d like to spice up your life and take a few risks, but you also have some trepidation about going where you’ve never been. Simple logistics can seem complicated when the territory is uncharted. Have a little more faith that you will be taken care of. You have always found a way so far, and you’ll continue to do so.


October 24 – November 21

A central relationship takes focus. Every so often you need to push the “reset” button on this one and start all over. It’s that time again. Decide that you’re going to start fresh and forgive old baggage — it’s only causing static for you. The other person doesn’t have to know you’re doing this for it to work beautifully.


November 22 – December 21

Your manners are impeccable, and this week you’ll be using them well, especially at work. You act appropriately for the occasion you are in and will be respected for your tasteful approach. After Thursday, the pressure to present a certain image is lifted, so take advantage of this change, too. Have some fun!


December 22 – January 19

You’ll make gut-level decisions that, once made, you’re unlikely to change. Even when the facts turn out different from what you assumed they would be, or you discover some misunderstood bit of the equation, it still won’t matter. You know your intuitive impulses are right and just can’t argue with that feeling.


January 20 – February 18

You are a giver. That is your true personality. Sometimes when life offers you good fortune, you actually must force yourself to take it. There will be such an occasion Monday and again on Thursday. Stop thinking of everyone else. Even if it doesn’t come naturally, open your arms and receive.


February 19 – March 20

You’ll cast your net and get not only the fish you were trying for, but an old shoe and a tin can, too. You know better than to start over just because there’s a little junk that comes with the reward. Extract the good, trash the bad and cast your net again. This is the process by which your week is successfully ruled.