Scary thought

To the editor:

Monday’s letter criticizing the inefficiency of our government deserves a reply.

Years ago, the Postal Service was reorganized by Congress to run as a profit-making “business.” When the government ran the post office, service was much better.

The mother of one of my college students does Medicare paperwork for a doctor. She tells me that Medicare is less time-consuming and works better than other medical insurance.

Congress continually takes money out of Social Security funds to pay the national debt, but they don’t pay it back. That’s why the fund is going broke.

The Germans, French and British aren’t stupid: If their national health care systems didn’t work well, they would change or discard them, but they haven’t.

Before we continue having 30 percent of our nation’s uninsured population running up health care costs for those of us who are already paying outlandish premiums to a profit-based insurance industry, consider what a magnificent job unabashed capitalist investors have done managing our lifetime savings under minimum regulatory control.

Now, that’s a scary thought.