Increased government control poses threat to America

Where or when is it going to stop?

There is more and more government control and/or oversight, more and more “czars” to exercise control over an ever-broadening number of activities in our country, more and more evidence of the Obama administration’s desire or obsession to control, control, control.

Some say the U.S. government, under Obama’s plan, eventually will control half of this nation’s economy.

Concern about Obama’s drive or hunger for power and control is timely today as our nation celebrates Independence Day, the day in 1776 when our forefathers declared their independence from British control. Those who signed the Declaration of Independence would be shocked to see the degree of control our government now exercises over the lives of Americans — and this control is growing.

As has been noted in an earlier Journal-World piece, the Obama administration seems bent on a “blitzkrieg” strategy whereby a steady stream of edicts are issued creating greater government involvement in a broad cross-section of America. The policy or plan seems designed to jam as much change down the throats of Americans as possible, as quickly as possible, before sufficient numbers of citizens and members of Congress say enough is enough, before they wake up to what is happening and how Obama is changing the country.

With the large Democratic majorities in Congress, Obama enjoys almost a rubber stamp to impose whatever controls he wishes.

Consider these Obama actions: the latest move regarding the role and power of the Federal Reserve, his massive efforts to impose national health care, controls on the earnings of many in various private businesses, control of the nation’s automobile industry, controls on housing and materials to be used in the construction of homes and other buildings, plans to control the nation’s energy business, the pricing of pharmaceutical drugs, giving the extremely suspicious ACORN organization a major role in the politically charged 2010 U.S. Census, increased involvement in our educational system, greater government intervention in the insurance business and no hesitation to assume massive government control of our banking industry.

Who knows what else is on his agenda for inserting government control in even more private businesses and the manner in which Americans conduct their daily lives?

Vice President Biden recently acknowledged the government — or maybe it was just he, himself — had “guessed” when predicting number of figures on which to base an important national matter. Maybe it was the administration’s “guess” on unemployment numbers or maybe the national debt totals. Regardless, shouldn’t the vice president or president and their hundreds of aides be more honest with the public when projecting critical numbers rather than relying on “guesses”?

Another concern is how Obama justifies his actions by coming up with all kinds of numbers, whether it is how much power will be saved by using a certain kind of light bulb or how many new jobs have been created or lost by one of his edicts, or any other numbers he offers without any means of substantiating the figures.

It’s obvious Obama is moving as fast as he can to impose his ideas and dreams for his kind of America. His actions, manner and skills give every indication of a person on a quest for power.

He has placed individuals in positions of power and assigned them to oversee and restructure huge sections of our free enterprise and capitalistic system of business and finance. For example, what do his hand-picked officers or managers at General Motors know about building automobiles and selling cars and trucks? What about his secretary of Health and Human Services, who has been charged with leading the effort to impose a national health care policy. What does former Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius know about medicine and health care and what’s best for this country? She is a very able individual, but is there anything in her background to give the public reason to believe she is an expert in this field?

Who knows what his real dreams are for America? What does he think Uncle Sam’s role should be in world affairs? Is he more interested in being everyone’s friend and apologizing for what he considers inappropriate U.S. actions in the past? Or does he want America to be the world’s most powerful nation, standing up for freedom and democracy for all?

The national debt should alarm every American. Could it be that Obama’s many giveaways to unions, his claims of lower taxes for millions of lower-income Americans, his plan for redistribution of wealth all are motivated at least partially by his desire to win votes in the 2010 and 2012 elections?

How long will Obama be able to sustain his juggernaut campaign to impose his concept of what America should be, his blueprint for “change,” his dogma, on unsuspecting, trusting Americans?

Is his outward appearance and manner, his call for fast action on his “changes,” a genuine, sound call for action, or is it a façade or technique to get what he wants? Time and again, he predicts dire consequences for this country and its people if Congress and the public do not bend to his wishes. So far, it is working, but what are the future consequences?

Just how deeply could Obama’s “changes” actually alter the proud record and history of this country, its accomplishments, its generosity to the less-advantaged here in the U.S. and abroad, its roles as the world’s lighthouse for freedom and opportunity, the tremendous American record of free enterprise and capitalism and the quality of life enjoyed by the vast majority of Americans — far better than most any other place on Earth?

How many more questionable “changes” for America will have been made by this time next year, July 4, 2010?