Poet’s Showcase: Inauguration Day

A new President is taking office

The old one is finally leaving,

Proof of that are moving vans,

Pulled up to the White House

Taking away the old stuff of 8 years,

Bringing in the new.

The pictures are powerful,

America has gathered in Washington,

In crowds too huge to count,

Too big to even estimate.

They have all come to be a part

Of a new beginning in America

A turning of the page at last.

The overwhelming victory last year

Of Barack Obama a powerful message

America is weary and tired and had enough

Of being manipulated by those in power,

Of people in Washington not responsible,

Of an economy going down the toilet,

Two wars we cannot win,

As daily people lose their jobs and houses,

While Congress gives itself a raise.

The crowd is in constant motion,

A sea of colors of clothes and faces,

All coming together in the cold, bright sunshine,

Coming together in support of a new President

And the change that is a’ coming.

In support of a brighter future ahead;

In support of each other;

In support of America.

— Curtis D. Bennett lives in Lawrence.