Holistic resolutions welcome in new year

Looking forward to a new year and a new you? Tired of all the resolutions that never seem to go anywhere?

Most New year’s resolutions focus on specific needs, such as finding a mate, improving your finances or getting into shape. Here are some more holistic resolutions:

• I choose to forgive.

Do you have a resentment against someone or something that is sapping your energy? Choose to let go of those negative emotions. Forgiving does not make the wrongdoer right. By forgiving, however, you choose not to dwell in negativity, and you choose to free yourself of negative energy and emotions.

• I choose to be grateful.

Choose to wake up each day in gratitude and celebrate the sheer joy of being alive. Choose to be awake to the beauty of the sunrise or the smile of a co-worker. Choose to make a daily habit of gratitude and to seek things you are grateful for. Share your gratitude in our forum at www.drmaxanddrkay.com.

• I choose to love my body in whatever state or form it is right now.

To show love for your body, take steps to create lasting health. Eat what nourishes you. Exercise to good health. Do what you instinctively know is right.

And avoid habits that you know hurt your body — the only body you are ever going to have.

• I choose spiritual joy. Find something that invigorates you and gives you spiritual contentment. This could be walking along a nature trail, volunteering at a local shelter, or joining a photography or book club. This could also include meaningful interaction with those you love — a phone conversation or a cup of coffee. This could be a quiet prayer or loving time with your child. Find a way to incorporate these things in your daily life.

— Drs. Kay Judge and Maxine Barish-Wreden are co-authors of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Secrets of Longevity.”